Are You Looking for a

More Confident Horse?

You're in the right place!

Get access to this FREE Guide for myth-busting info on how to help your horse tackle stress and fear

This Guide is for you if:

  • You want to get to grips with desensitisation

  • You're a busy owner looking for ideas

  • You value your horse as an individual

  • You're prepared to put in a little time to do the training

  • You love a good freebie!

Learn to apply science-based principles in your training

I read the research so you don't have to! Science is essentially a bunch of ideas put to the test - however the way it is often presented is not exactly user friendly!

I'm a geek at heart and I love to read a good research paper, but I know it isn't for everyone. If you're a geek too, roll up chair and let's chat science (you could even share your top tips with me - I'm all ears!)

However, if that's not your sort of thing - don't worry. Through Why Do Horses, I translate the real science into usable resources for the non-geek equestrian.

Evidence-based ideas for horse training


A Touch of humour for the everyday


Fill Out Your Details Below...

...and my FREE Guide will wing its way into your inbox!

As If By Magic...

(Isn't technology marvellous)

  • Get ready for simple ideas for all horse lovers

  • Read behavioural science in an easy-to-access way

I call it

Equine Science, simply applied

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